How To Lose Weight By Fasting - New Age Weight Loss That Can Turn Fat Into Flat

While the idea of fasting for weight loss rather than for religious purposes is becoming more popular in recent times, often people who know relatively little about the fasting process go about it the wrong way.
This results in not only not much lost weight, but damage to the body and needless disruption of one's emotional well being. A safe, healthy fast will follow certain rules that anyone should be aware of before even thinking seriously about fasting.

There are many different kinds of fasts, and you should know which one is right for your goals, lifestyle, and body type. The most drastic is the water-only fast, while other fasts may allow juices, or only disallow animal-based products.

But whatever your fast type, you should be sure to keep your liquid intake high, even if it's only water. The body can survive a relatively long time without food, but only three days without water.
This is even more important when you're not getting any food at all, since liquids will be your only incoming source of nourishment. Make no mistake, you need every drop if you want to keep functioning.

You should also avoid exercise, although sounds counter-intuitive for the fitness-conscious. Any heavy physical exertion during a fast will only put more strain on your body that it can't easily deal with.
You'll drastically reduce your water supplies through sweating, which as we've discussed above is a body thing. Psychological stress should also be avoided, since it causes your body to tense up and pressure itself.

Try to relax and focus on quiet and serenity. These seemingly theological goals are actually very practical for healthy water fasting diets. Even negative emotions can be bad, since tears are just another way of losing precious moisture.
Don't gorge yourself just before a fast or just after one, though. Sure, you need the nutrients, but going from heavy fuel to nothing isn't something your body knows how to handle.
The results will be uncomfortable at best, and may be very hard on your digestive system, which will hinder both enjoying the fast itself and enjoying finishing it. Try to 'ramp down' gradually and the ease yourself up again at the end.

These are all fairly simple tips that anyone can and should follow if they want to lose weight through fasting effectively and pleasantly. There's never a time when you don't want to follow them, whether you're water fasting, juice fasting, or using some other kind of fast method. So let them be your guide to make your body happy and your mind peaceful!
If you want to lose weight fasting or by doing a detox, then watch our free video about our 1 "ancient tip" to get a flat stomach. You can access this video by going to clicking here or going to
All the best!
Michael Allen
Health & Fitness Professional
Author of the best selling book: Fat Loss Factor
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