Easy Changes in Food Choices That Will Make You Healthy

We talk about foods that provide nutrition, and by eating a healthy balanced diet with these foods that cover the nutritional gamut we should be able to provide all of our nutritional needs without having to resort to vitamins. But there are a number of foods that we eat on a regular basis that add to our toxic load. In this article we will talk about some of those popular foods, along with what we should eat instead.

This can mean getting into the kitchen to cook fresh whole foods, and all of those prepared foods that we buy for convenience will have to be eliminated. These foods are loaded with salts, preservatives and other toxic materials that were not meant for humans to consume. Here are some of the ways that you can easily convert these toxic foods to healthy foods.

1. Use organic butter instead of margarine. During the low-fat diet craze of a few years ago butter took a huge hit to its reputation. In its place we got margarine with its Tran's fats and preservatives, and those were designed to be healthier for us than butter, which they clearly are not. But instead of just choosing any butter, find those varieties that are organic and come from grass fed cows. They will have many of our trace minerals like chromium, zinc, copper, manganese and selenium.

2. Eliminate soda and substitute sparkling water. Basically soda and other sweetened commercial beverages are loaded with bad things and have nothing good to offer. A 12 ounce can of soda will contain about 40 grams of sugar, which is about all of the sugar you should be eating in a single day. If you really love carbonated beverages try sparkling mineral water with a little lemon or lime, which will be an excellent alternative.

3. Instead of bottled water use filtered tap water. Your best option for water is not bottled water, as much of it is just regular untreated tap water. Plus the plastic container is not good for the environment. The best water you can drink is regular tap water that is properly filtered at the point of use.

4. Use raw organic milk rather than pasteurized milk. Raw organic milk will provide a lot of healthy bacteria for your gastrointestinal tract. It is rich in raw fats, proteins, and amino acids that will be destroyed during the pasteurization process.

5. Go for organic food rather than non-organic whenever possible. As we can see with all of these tips, the more you can go to organic, natural foods the better off you're going to be. They will generally have fewer toxins due to being freer from pesticides. Plus some experts think that you really get a larger benefit from animal products such as dairy and meat that is produced under organic conditions. We are becoming more aware of the soil quality that these products are fed from, and foods from soils that are depleted and made productive with synthetic chemicals are something to avoid.

There are many foods that are not only delicious but are good for you. It is known to help certain health conditions plus control weight. Check out this page on ways to use garlic in your cooking, which is another food great for your health. Rich Carroll is a writer and avid health advocate now living in Chicago.

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